Poster Abstract 6

An Agency Program for Urban Raptor Study and Management

Joe Yarchin

Arizona Game and Fish Department, Region VI, 7200 E. University Dr., Mesa, AZ 85207

As urbanization occurs, most local wildlife is compromised by loss of suitable habitat. The extent of the impact on different groups of wildlife is generally unknown. Birds of prey are usually present, to one extent or another, before and after urbanization occurs. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is involved in a group of raptor projects in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area (Region VI). Raptors are an ideal group to monitor, establish and enhance in an urban setting. The projects can also be designed to include community involvement and educational advantages. Components of the projects include: winter urban raptor surveys, locating active urban raptor nests and establishing a GIS database of locations and characteristics, placement of barn owl and kestrel nest boxes, construction of artificial burrowing owl habitat and subsequent release of rehabilitated owls. Goals and objectives of the projects are presented and methodology for each is briefly described.

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